Kings Weir Fishery coarse fishery on the River Lea, is renowned for its specimen sized Barbel, Chub and Bream. The fish community also includes populations of Dace, Roach, Pike, European Eel and Gudgeon, and anglers are drawn nationally and internationally to fish the historic venue. You can either fish the weir pool or a stretch located downstream, named “The Members Section”. The fishery also includes Stillwater fishing on the adjacent Holyfield Lake where you can catch specimen sized Tench, Carp, Bream and
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We are extremely pleased to announce we have been able to keep our good friend Christophe Pelhate's legacy alive that he and Dave Chambers had worked on the proto types and all the way to the finished product. Unfortunately they are no longer with us but they will always be remembered.
Spopper Price -£20 each + delivery or can be collected from the fishery